“Although working with this type of profile sometimes requires special supervision and greater precision in expressing our needs, it is an asset in the long term, as it also enables us to improve our communication with all our employees, who “dare” to express themselves less when some of our requests are confused..”
How did the story with auticonsult start?
We started working with auticonsult in 2018 on document quality assignments.
I was a bit apprehensive about working with autistic people, as I was afraid that communication would not be easy and that an auticonsult intermediary would have to be called in again and again if there were any problems, however minor and ‘normal’ in any job.
Finally, out of the 3 auticonsult consultants I had the opportunity to work with, communication was never a problem: I was convinced that autistic people had difficulty expressing themselves, but each consultant is very different and it turns out that one of them was even rather talkative!
How is the current mission going?
The consultant we continue to work with today gives us full and complete satisfaction: his rigour and meticulousness bring real added value to the service.
Although working with this type of profile sometimes requires special supervision and greater precision in expressing our needs, it is an asset in the long term, because it also enables us to improve our communication with all our employees, who “dare” to express themselves less when some of our requests are confused.
We also very much appreciate the supervision of our consultant by an auticonsult coach, which allows us to have moments of exchange on the possible difficulties encountered by each of us and the areas of improvement to be made in order to make our daily life even more enriching
Any advice for companies wishing to include professionals with autism?
If I had one piece of advice to give to companies wishing to open up to more varied profiles, it would be to clearly identify the human qualities expected for each position. Some tasks require a lot of rigour and personal organisation, while others are better suited to creative profiles who like to deal with a wide variety of subjects: basically, the studies you have done before don’t matter much and the most important training takes place as you go along, in the company.
The most important thing is to be as precise as possible in your initial request, and to be clear about the reality of the proposed position: it is not a question of selling a dream, but rather of being honest about the possible difficulties inherent in the position in order to have someone who will be able to transform these obstacles into positive points on a daily basis.
Testimony of Pauline Becker.
Digital Business Line Manager at Bpifrance.