
In this somewhat supernatural context of the coronavirus (Covid-19), many companies have switched to this new way of working, which is teleworking. But did you know? This arrangement can actually be particularly autism-friendly. Teleworking, if done effectively, has many advantages: It helps to reduce fatigue due to transport, social demands and sensory over-stimulation – factors...
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Being a tech company used to mean that the company was involved in either the development or the manufacturing of technology. But today, technology has become essential for every business looking to reduce manual labors, improve efficiency, and compete on a global scale.
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Women are diagnosed with autism 2-3 times less often than men (Lai et al. 2011). You can read in the following why this is the case and what challenges they face every day.
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About hard and soft skills and how Autism can be a big advantage in the technology field, read the following.
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Few have not heard of the concept of automation, and many have formed some kind of opinion on the matter. In the 1993 film “Jurassic Park,” automation is depicted as not only one of the triumphs, but a major contributor to the downfall of the eponymous park, in addition to the rampaging dinosaurs.
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Good time management requires a shift in focus from activities to results: being busy isn’t the same as being effective. Developing effective strategies for managing your time to balance the conflicting demands of work and leisure is very important.
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Social anxiety is a long-lasting and intense fear of social situations and interactions with other people that affects everyday activities, self-confidence, relationships and work. People affected by social anxiety sometimes describe themselves as feeling negatively judged by others, self-conscious, feeling inadequate or humiliated. This often results in the avoidance of social situations, sometimes causing isolation,...
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Insomnia Insomnia means you regularly have trouble sleeping. Most people experience insomnia at some point in their life. It can be acute (e.g. sleep problems related to a particularly stressful event) or chronic (difficulty to fall and stay asleep over weeks, months, and sometimes years). The brain and body need sleep to function properly, so...
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